Maple Grove Arboretum Engagement Session

Isabel and Ryan traveled from sunny L.A. to the depths of Minnesota winter for their Maple Grove Arboretum Engagement Session! These two first met on Instagram when Ryan left a comment on one of Isabel’s photos! 👀 But their actual first date came later when Isabel was visiting a friend in L.A., and they matched on Tinder! Isabel’s flight home was scheduled for the next night, so they met up at a diner for breakfast. Ryan wasn’t sure if Isabel liked him at first, but when Isabel’s flight was unexpectedly canceled, she met up with him again that evening. And just like that, a relatively chance encounter led to nearly a decade together! Fast forward to today. They have three cats with some of the best names I’ve ever heard: Chicken, Peperoni, and Baby Bean!

These two were an absolute dream to work with, and I loved witnessing their sweet and caring dynamic. Isabel has been modeling for nearly a decade, but Ryan warned me up front that he was a little less used to being in front of the camera. Definitely relatable!! This is probably the number one concern I hear from my couples, and I firmly believe it’s my job as a photographer to alleviate that worry.

If you aren’t feeling comfy during the session, it’s not your problem – it’s mine!!! That’s why I always give lots of directions so you never feel lost or confused about what to do next. I also love using prompts so that instead of just moving from staged pose to staged pose, you have an action to focus on. This helps bring out your personality and highlights your love. Then, the session will feel less like an awkward photo shoot and more like a fun date! PLUS, the resulting photos are real moments that are authentic to you and your relationship. So whether you’re a pro in front of the camera or need more guidance to feel your most confident, I’ll make sure you have a fantastic time and receive great photos to prove it!!

For their engagement session, Ryan and Isabel wanted to take full advantage of Minnesota’s natural beauty. So, despite the winter weather, they opted for a fun outdoor shoot at the Maple Grove Arboretum! It was a perfect choice, and we had so many backgrounds to choose between throughout our time together. I had so much fun getting outside (despite the cold) and photographing such a sweet and fun couple! Check out Isabel + Ryan’s Maple Grove Arboretum Engagement session below!

Don’t let the winter fun end! Check out Kenneth and Sierra’s snowy North Loop engagement shoot here for more ideas on how to make the most of your session — no matter the weather!




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