In addition to being a wedding photographer and high school debate coach, I am also a racial justice educator and consultant. As a Black, Latinx woman raised by same-sex parents in the Midwest, I've  been committed to justice and liberation from a young age. In the summer of 2020 shortly after the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent uprising in Minneapolis,  I began sharing my beliefs and perspectives on systemic racism, power, and under-taught history on my instagram account @celisiastanton. Since then, I have built an education and dialogue space for folks committed to racial justice and the liberation of all people. I also now offer courses and consulting services for business owners looking to support their commitment to social justice.

Not just a Photographer

Not just a photographer!

Check out my feature in MIC!

Current Offerings
(think of the cats as Vanna White)

More than a Moment: How to Build Sustainable Anti-Racist Practices in Your Wedding Biz

Business COaching

A 2-hour recorded webinar + Q&A on how to maintain momentum in your anti-racism journey in order to run an inclusive and equitable business.

Open to everyone, but especially beneficial for white and non-Black POC

Information directed towards wedding vendors, but applicable to any business owner

Struggling to get the integrate racial justice in your business? Lookin for someone to proofread a blog post or email blast? I can help!

I love working with people one-on-one, so send me a summary of what you need help with and we can go from there!

Media Collaboration

Have a project you think would align with the values of my Instagram account? Want me on a be on your podcast? Looking for a guest speaker at your next event? Have something else in mind? Let's talk!

My social media DMs gets crowded so shoot me an email at

Learn more

Email to learn more + purchase access to the recording